The art of the selfie


I just tried to take a decent pre-shave self-portrait. For the life of me I couldn’t get one that looked halfway decent. It wasn’t until I went for the camera-in-the-air “selfie” pose that I got one that looked good. (The photo above is the one that got the biggest reaction from Pam, which is why I’m posting it).

As someone with previous photograpy training, and a portrait studio shooter in a former life, I find it strange that I had to go to that extreme to get a good picture. I guess there’s something about the type of camera in a phone that doesn’t lend itself to in-close photography. Something else to investigate, I suppose.

Ah well, I still have to shave before tomorrow. I actually like the look, since the beard is finally filling in nicely and doesn’t itch too much. One day of 90 degrees and humidity is enough for now, though.